Understanding Adult Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is frequently considered ‘immature’ because of how strongly it's associated with children. Children don't realize that the person leaving will return, and become anxious at the thought of being separated from them.

However, adults also suffer from this anxiety disorder, where they are afraid of being separated from a person, a group of persons, or even a pet.

Often dismissed as 'not a real problem', adult separation anxiety can have some serious consequences.

Separation anxiety is an anxiety disorder where the person feels excessive distress about being separated from someone and paranoia about 'that someone' being harmed in their absence. There may also be a fear of being alone, and sometimes even panic attacks that come with separation.

Adult separation anxiety can be a result of losing another person - like in cases of death, divorce, or even just moving away. There may also be some elements of childhood trauma or developmental disabilities.

Adult separation anxiety disorder may make it difficult to function normally. However, It can be managed through professional help – either therapy, which would help an individual identify the underlying cause of their anxiety and work on coping mechanisms; or through medication; or a combination of both.

If you or someone you know seem to have separation anxiety or if you would like to know more about adult separation anxiety, please do seek professional help because your mental health is as important as your physical health. 


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