Intentional Parenting

One of the most difficult jobs in the world is being a parent. Whether you have a newborn or a teenager, or even a child with children of their own – does it really ever get easier?

It can if you really want it to!

You have the potential to become the best version of yourself, inside and out. Being a parent brings great responsibility, and one of the most successful ways to parents your children is to become role models for them.

No matter the age, your kids will always look up to you in one way or another. They will require your help through so many experiences life throws their way – both good and bad.

While communication is extremely important, what’s more, important is, what you show your kids. That’s how they learn – through imitation and absorption of those around them, especially their own parents!

Ask yourself:

  • Am I the best possible version of myself for my child?
  • Does my behavior reflect the morals and values I want my child to adopt?
  • Is there anything I can do to make myself a better role model?
  • Can I be kinder? More compassionate? Can I become more disciplined?
  • Are there any communication gaps with my child that I need to work on?

Asking yourself some of these questions will help set a path for yourself going forward.

It will help you gauge what areas you need to work on, and put you on the track to becoming the best possible version of yourself and in turn, the 'best possible parent' your children could ask for!

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