Parenting in the 21st Century

There was a time when a coffee mug with “Best Mom Ever” written on it or a t-shirt that says “Best Dad Ever” made other parent-friends jealous when they came to your house.

Today, this scenario is hard to imagine because the rules of parenting have changed! To qualify as competent or anywhere near to “perfect,” you need to have the following qualifications:

  • Make sure your child’s academic career is on track
  • Anticipate your child’s every need
  • Provide them with useful activities for enjoyable experiences
  • Turn your home into an oasis for your kids and at the same time focus on your career

Parenting in the Past

Parenting philosophies in the past weren’t as involved as they are today. The sight of kids crying on the floor while begging for something made other parents question how the parents were handling things. What they didn’t realize was that those parents were doing their best.

Still, a parent’s role was brought to question, because it was assumed they were too busy with their lives to pay attention to their kids.

Parenting has never been easy. If it was hard then, it is even harder now.

Parenting Today

Parenting is much more complicated in the current scenario. The online world poses a kind of threat that parents are not prepared for. Problems, like cyberbullying, sexual assault, peer pressure, lurk in the corner ready to pounce. Moreover, the amount of screen time they get makes them quite impressionable. Lastly, problems at school can cause anxiety, depression, and suicidal behavior, and the signs of these problems are often hard to spot.

Navigating Your Parenting GPS System

Just like one size doesn’t fit all so does the mold of parenting. Every child has different needs, which need to be dealt with differently.

There are uncountable topics to be dealt with, some more delicate than the other, such as your child coming out, making sure that your kid is not stuck in the middle in case of a divorce, and keeping an eye out to see signs of sexual abuse.

21st-century parenting is a minefield that is ready to blow up at any time & parenting today is all about navigating several landmines. Here’s how to start:

  • Lead by example. Children learn through imitation and absorption of those around them, especially their own parents!
  • Be there for your child. Ensure them of your constant conscious presence.
  • Maintain an open line of communication. Listen to your child without bias & judgment.
  • Encourage independence & problem-solving. Allow your child the freedom of expression & choice.
  • Be conscious of the words that you use around your child.

Actions speak louder than words, and that’s what parenting should be all about. Just by telling your kid that you have their back is not something that will make them trust you. You need to show them through actions because the challenges you face now as a parent are much more complex.

So, be firm yet understanding. Be passionate about what they want but gently guide them towards the right path. Be there for them but don’t overpower them with your opinions. Allow them to break their boundaries for creativity and innovation but not for skipping classes.

So, say “yes” a few times now and then, but stand ground on your “no.”

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