Staying Positive

The importance of staying positive is now more relevant than ever.

It may be difficult to look for things that make you happy amid a global crisis. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Every day has something positive in it; it’s just that some days you have to look harder.

So here are some tips that will help you remain positive and optimistic during this tough time.

  1. Meditate for at least seven minutes each day. Even meditating for as little as seven minutes has shown to improve mood, decrease stress, and improve sleep.
  2.  Listen to music that makes you happy. Music seems to have a weird effect on people. It makes people feel the same emotion as the kind of music they are listening to. So burst some happy tunes, and even dance away if you feel like it!
  3.  Try to do at least one act of kindness each day. Yes, this may be difficult nowadays, but you can just send a loved one an email or thank you note telling them how grateful you are for them in your life. Not only will this make them feel happy, but it will also boost your happiness and reduce depression.
  4.  Keep a gratitude journal and be very honest with it. Studies show that gratitude journal can have a huge impact on your overall well-being and life satisfaction. Just remember to be specific.
  5.  Do something that excites you but you’ve been putting it off because you never had the time. Follow your passion. Take online classes. Do whatever you can to feel the fire spark inside of you.
  6. And lastly… smile! It doesn’t feel like much, but research shows that smiling can actually make you feel happier. The facial muscles send signals to your brain, and this may have an impact on how your temporary emotions develop.

By adding these little things to your life on a daily basis, you’ll find yourself being more happy and positive in the long run.

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